Friday Favs

Good morning and Happy Friday! I hope you all had a successful and productive week. Mine was pretty fantastic since it included a few fun work meetings (fun work meetings? yes!) and a visit from Kim and baby Lyla on Tuesday. I'm off today for working Sunday so I'm getting some more BoxFiit Certification modules done (more on this later) and then Mandy is coming to Boston for the day - yay! I hope you all have a fun weekend filled with relaxation, SUNSHINE, outdoor activities, laughter, and a little movement.

Here are my favs of the week:


{Running Castle Island this week has been amazing. That ocean air heals the soul, I'll tell ya!}


{Rob came home with these for me on Wednesday night. He's a keeper! (I make him hide them every night because when it comes to anything Swedish Fish related - I have zero self control)}


{I see green! Spring is coming :)}


{Burtons Grill offers seared tuna as a protein add-on for salads. I wish every restaurant did this. Healthy and Yummy!}


{Last night, the bartender at Capo liked my pineapple phone case so much that he made Rob & I a special drink in a copper pineapple. Pineapples are a sign of hospitality -- how hospitable of him!}

Enjoy the weekend! xo